Study visits

Study visits are intended for acquiring new knowledge, to strengthen previous knowledge or gain work experience as well as practical experience. CPI cooperates with national and international institutions and organizes study visits, hosting delegations from various parts of the world.

Between 22.04. and 27.4, 2019 the Center of the Republic of Slovenia for Vocational Education hosted a study visit delegation from Belarus. The main purpose of the study visit was to present the work of the sectoral committees for occupational standards and their role in connecting education and the labor market.

After a firstsuccessful study visit in 2019, a virtual study visit was organised for another Belarus delegation in December 2020. The main purpose of the event was to present the importance and applicability of occupational standards and the procedure for their preparation and the work of sectoral committees for professional standards in the field of services. The Belarusian delegation was enthusiastic about the presented contents and speakers. They emphasized that they recognized an example of good practice in Slovenia and especially the CPI, and expressed the desire for even closer cooperation in the future.

In June 2019 CPI hosted a study visit delegation from Moldova. The the purpose of the study visit, organised in the scope of European Training Foundation from Turin, was prersenting the process of establishing the Slovenian Qualifications Framework (SQF) and the SQF Qualifications Register.

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