"developing a European strategy for the development of blockchain skills"
(Erasmus+ KA2 SSA)
Brief description and purpose of the project
The project involves 23 partners from industry, higher education, vocational education and European networks for the recognition of qualifications, who set the goal of establishing a European Sectoral Skills Association (SSA) for Blockchain technologies. The project will establish a methodology for the systematic documentation and forecasting of labour market needs for “blockchain” skills and improving the quality, relevance and responsiveness of the offer of vocational and professional education. The lead institution of the four-year Erasmus + project (KA2, SSA) is UNIVERSITE LYON 1 CLAUDE BERNARD from France with a total of 23 partners from 15 EU countries.
Objectives of the operation and expected results
The partnership will build on the current labour market and the data obtained to define EU-wide knowledge requirements for core blockchain occupational profiles (as provided by the ESCO) and to create transnational, up-to-date VET content addressing both technical and non-technical knowledge. and effective teaching and training methodologies for VET providers in line with recognition procedures in partner countries and EU tools (eg EQF, ECVET and EQAVET).
- Study on Blockchain labour market characteristics
- Registry of Blockchain educational and training offerings
- Registry of Blockchain online job vacancies
- Study on Blockchain skills demand
- Study on Blockchain skills supply
- Study on skills mismatches in the Blockchain sector
- Study on the EU Blockchain Growth Strategy
- Registry of Blockchain skill matching initiatives
- European Blockchain Skills Strategy
- Factsheet: Blockchain Skills Forecast (2024)
- Annual report with Blockchain Skills Forecasts (2022)
- Annual report with Blockchain Skills Forecasts (2023)
- Annual report with Blockchain Skills Forecasts (2024)
- Blockchain Skills Forecasting Model
- Blockchain Learning Outcomes Report
- CHAISE Curriculum Structure
- CHAISE course – Trainer’s guide
- 2023 Update of the Blockchain Skills Strategy
- 2024 Update of the Blockchain Skills Strategy
- Validation Methodology
- Blueprint of a VET qualification on Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies
- Videos
- Promotional material
- Blockchain Skills Strategy Brochure
- Latest news
- Mastering Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies MOOC
- Mastering Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies – Training materials
- For Job seekers – Kickstart Your Blockchain Career
- Blockchain Career – For Employers – Attract Top Blockchain Talents
- CHAISE documents roadmap
01.11.2020 – 31.10.2024