EQAVET National Reference Point

Purpose of the national point and its connection with the European Commission:

The National Reference Point EQAVET NRP (National Reference Point) in Slovenia is part of the European network for QA in VET – EQAVET network, which involves the national reference points of all European Member States. The network goal is to develop a common European framework for quality assurance of Vocational Education and Training (VET), the so-called EQAVET framework. In the network, Member States exchange experiences and examples of good practice, support each other in the implementation of the EQAVET framework at the national level and develop support for VET providers through mutual cooperation.

Offer of services for VET providers:

EQAVET NRP in Slovenia seeks to provide effective support to VET providers through various organised activities with the purpose to:

  • facilitate the establishment of a quality assurance framework in their own organizations and to
  • enable their involvement into the community of practice at a national and international level.

This way VET providers could ensure long-term, systematic and sustainable development. The services EQAVET NRP organizes for VET providers in Slovenia are:

  • Training;
  • Providing manuals and leaflets with recommendations on the subject of quality assurance and development;
  • Presentations of examples of good practice;
  • Peer review on a national level;
  • Peer review on an international level;
  • Organisation of the annual national conference on quality in VET and
  • Website offering information, materials and useful links.

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