Cohesion projects

European Social Fund improves the life in millions of people, enabling them to acquire new knowledge and skills or better employment

Success stories

Success stories from the field of VET and other related fields


E- library enables a quick and easy access to various publications from the field of VET

International cooperation

A variety of international connections, characteristic for Slovenian education providers are the result of a systematic facilitation on a national level

Qualification development

A vocational standard links VET and the Certification of national vocational qualifications

Vocational education

The programmes of short, vocational and technical upper secondary education differ regarding level, aims and duration

25 years of CPI

The Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for VET celebrates 25th anniversary

Slovenian Presidency 2021

Slovenia is in the trio with Germany and Portugal for the second time and is holding the presidency in the second half of 2021, as the last in the trio

Guidance and recommendations 2020/21

Education programmes are being implemented in various education models this year. We have prepared guidelines and recommendations that will help you find solutions tailored to your needs

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We are starting new project CirCLER

Milan, 23 February 2024 – Partners of the EU funded CirCLER project - Circular Economy Transition Manager: guiding companies of the furniture value chain to deploy their transition strategy for a more circular economy - met on the 21st and 22nd of February in Milan for the official kick-off of the project, hosted by FederLegno Arredo (FLA).

General | 1. 3. 2024

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