Evaluation of the System of National Professional Qualifications

Naslovncia publikacije v angleškem jeziku Evaluation of the System of National Professional Qualifications
Barbara Kunčič, Urška Marentič, Bojana Sever, Andraž Zgonc, Primož Hvala Kamenšček, Mojca Demirtshyan, Vera Mlinar
splošno, poklicno in strokovno izobraževanje, karierno svetovanje
Ključne besede
national professional qualifications, validation of prior learning, certification system

This publication is the fruit of collaboration between the National Institute for Vocational Education and Traning and the Slovenian Institute for Adult Education. These Slovenian public institutions are competent to carry out all the principal tasks in the system of examinations and the verification of national professional qualifications, and to ensure its future development. The papers included in the publication bring forward various observations and information on how the most important assessment and recognition institutions act in practice and how successful they are at it, as well as on the implementation of procedures stipulated by the acts and implementing regulations. Conclusions place a particular emphasis on the need for constant, in-depth and systematic monitoring of activities and results of the certification system in the future.

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